Faith in Reaching Everyone 

Youth Group

Growing together.

Whoever you are, wherever you're from, you are welcome here.

At Metro's FIRE Youth group, we exist to lead all youth into a lifelong relationship with Jesus. No matter their background or past experiences, FIRE is a place where all students in grades 6-12 can find connection and community. Through our weekly Wednesday night drama club, fun events, and impactful summer activities including interpretative dance and hip-hop classes, we provide students spaces to have their lives
transformed by Jesus.

Wednesday Nights

Theater / Drama Club

6:30 pm

Interpretive Dance / Hip-Hop Classes

Coming this Summer

Wednesday nights commence with a time of fellowship and pizza.  These nights are designed to help your youth form a deeper relationship with Jesus, peers, and small group leaders through a helpful message, worship, and meaningful small group conversation.
In addition to weekly services, we will also have  retreats, and other special events coming soon.
Metro is excited to announce our summer Youth dance classes/workshops.  With the help from local dance studios, we will be introducing your Youth to Interpretive Dance and Hip-Hop and how to use music and dance to worship.  Do not be surprised if your youth look forward to church every week!