
Sunday Morning service at 10am and Bible Study on Wednesdays at 7pm!

Streamed via Facebook with live worship and a message from the Word of God.

A Note from the Pastors

Searching for ways to "let go"?

My purpose behind writing this note is to remind myself and you that “letting go” is a daily practice, especially for those like myself, ha!  
I clearly cannot say that I’ve figured it out, but I do know that I’m working on it every day.  Letting go of what has happened in the past,
affects us in the future, but it shouldn’t hold us back.    What happened in the past is a reminder of the pain, the sorrow, the guilt,
but it’s also a reminder of the many accomplishments, success, and happiness that once was and can be achieved all over again.
Philippians 3:11-14
What I’ve learned so far on my journey of “letting go” is to let go of what was, and move forward with
a “FRESH NEWNESS” (verse 11).  It is hard work and it takes fasting & prayer!

Look Up!!

The author of the book of Hebrews echoes Paul’s words with this similar encouragement in Hebrews 12:1-2.

God alone is the source of our salvation as well as the SOURCE for spiritual growth.  If we pursue living a life
surrendered to Christ, the closer we get to completing the race, the more we realize how much further
we have to go to become like Christ.  It is humbling!

But we cannot look back.  If we do, we’ll get burdened down under the wright of past memories of failure.

Any prize we might seek and obtain here on earth will not last.  Only what is eternal will last forever.  
Paul told believers in Corinth that he was working for “a crown that will last forever.”  
But to win the Victor’s crown, we need to exercise self-discipline.  
Again, Paul uses the imagery of a runner in a race. 1 Corinthians 9:24-27

Be encouraged by Paul’s emphasis here on forgetting the past – forgetting what is behind – and straining forward to what lies ahead.  
Don’t let yesterday’s failures derail you from the goal of your upward call of God in Christ.  Press on for the prize
until you meet the Lord Jesus at the finish line.  Keep this reminder REMEMBER YOUR accomplishments, success,
and happiness that once was and can be achieved all over again.  Jesus is on our side!!!